Saturday, May 22, 2021

My Last Blog Post

You know there comes a time when it is time to hang it up and I have reached that time now. At 74, I’ve aged out of coaching lawyers. I spend my time writing fiction while realizing I will never be John Grisham.

If you remember the Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley song I Did It My Way you recall the line:

“Regrets I’ve had a few, but then again too few to mention.”

I left my law firm at the end of 2004 after my best year. I still had some legal work I had to complete including a trial that lasted six weeks in early 2005 and ended up in a great result for our client.

I coached close to 1500 young lawyers across the US and Canada. Many of those, including many of you, have become top rainmakers and law firm leaders. While I took a severe pay cut to coach, to go back to the song, I don’t regret giving up my law career to work with young lawyers.

So, what now for us? As you may know, Nancy and I love golf and we love Diamanté Cabo San Lucas. We have sold our house in Prosper, Texas and we are building a Casita at Diamanté. We look at it as an extended retirement vacation and a way of not facing another Snowmageddon – Great Texas Snow Storm 2021.

As you can see in this link, we will be able to sit on our roof, drink in hand, and look at the Pacific Ocean, or the view below.


The home is turnkey meaning it will have everything other than clothes. So ever since our home sold we have been selling very cheaply or giving away our worldly possessions. In some ways it feels odd and in other ways it feels refreshing. For example, it felt odd to part with the roll top desk pictured here that had been in our family for over 115 years.

Last week a mother drove over an hour to pick up twin beds from our guest room. That night she sent me a text thanking us because it was the first night her teenage daughters slept in their own beds.

A Cuban couple drove over an hour this morning to pick up a couch we gave to them. They couldn’t speak English. As you know I spent a month in San Miguel de Allende learning Spanish, but I could not communicate effectively.  So he dictated into his phone and a translating program let us read it in English. The look on their face when they thanked us and hugged us made our day.

In the middle of June we are moving what little furniture we have left to an “Over 55” apartment closer to our daughter. It will be our first apartment since I was in the USAF in California in 1971. Our daughter and I found it after she told me that when she delivered food last summer during the break from teaching the under 55 apartments generally had an odor in the hallway from people smoking pot.

If you need career or client development advice you can still send me an email and my cell phone works even in Mexico. If a topic interests you put the topic in the search space on the blog and see if I have written on it before.

from Texas Bar Today
via Abogado Aly Website

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