Wednesday, November 24, 2021

America’s Deep Fried Turkey Accidents

We are approaching Thanksgiving—a time where families gather around large tables, overindulge on turkey and take a nap.  There are more cooking fires on Thanksgiving Day than any other day of the year.  According to a story published by The Atlantic, more than a third of the fires start in a garage or patio.  Each year, fire departments respond to more than 1,000 fires related to deep fryers.  Those fires cause serious burn injuries and more than $15 million in property damage.

Many Cooking Fires are Caused by Deep Fryers

How is it that many cooking fires are caused by deep fryers?  If you’re asking that question, you must have not had one of the tastiest Thanksgiving delicacies.  Some of you purists out there will spend hours roasting and basting that fowl until its skin reaches a beautiful golden brown color.  However, others of you will thaw that bird and drop it into gallons of piping hot oil in a deep fryer.  The deep-fried turkey is a delicious way to cook a turkey.  However, it can be risky—there are numerous hazards that come along with cooking a turkey in a deep fryer.  Truly, even the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) has warned against the practice of deep-frying turkeys.

Avoiding Deep Fryer Injuries

Per Fox News, every year, deep-fryer fires are responsible for five deaths, 60 injuries, and the destruction of 900 homes.  However, if you choose to deep fry your turkey this Thanksgiving, there are a few precautions you can take to protect yourself:

  1. Plan ahead. If you attempt to deep fry a frozen or partially thawed turkey, you could end up with serious burns.  A frozen or partially thawed turkey could explode or splatter, launching oil on those near the deep fryer.  Make sure your turkey is fully thawed before deep frying.
  2. Isolate the fryer. Make sure that fowl and fryer are placed in an area away from guests, children, leaves, and flammable items.
  3. Wear protective clothing. Wear flame-retardant clothing, gloves, and eye protection when placing the turkey into the oil and removing the turkey.
  4. Use proper equipment. Make sure your equipment is functioning appropriately.

Contact the Burn Injury Lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP

Poorly designed fryers (i.e. fryers without an on/off switch) and stands that are too tall/flimsy can place consumers at risk of serious and permanent injuries and burns, scarring, and emotional distress. If you were injured in an accident involving a deep fryer, we encourage you to contact the burn injury lawyers at Morrow & Sheppard LLP for a free, no-obligation consultation about your legal rights.

from Texas Bar Today
via Abogado Aly Website

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