Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Alexa, did you just call the cops?

Originally published by niftyadmin.

Smart home devices are becoming more and more popular with homeowners. They can assist with a grocery list, update you on the weather, and play your favorite music. But could they also call the police in certain situations?

Recently, in New Mexico, police reported that a smart home device intervened in a domestic violence incident by calling 911. When Eduardo Barros asked aloud, “Did you call the sheriffs?” as he threatened his girlfriend, the device interpreted it as a request to call emergency services. As a result, a dispatcher overheard the altercation and notified the police, who arrived on-scene and arrested Barros.

Obviously, advancements in technology are moving at remarkable speeds. Equally as obvious, is that the law does not. As a result, law-enforcement and judges all over the country are often working through these extremely complicated questions of legality “on-the-fly.” This is all happening as you bring more voice recognition technology into your home, thereby increasing the risk of words and actions being misinterpreted.

Criminal investigations can become highly technical and can involve many complex rules of evidence. It is essential to have a highly experienced criminal defense lawyer handling your case to be certain that your rights are not violated during an investigation or prosecution of your criminal case.

The post Alexa, did you just call the cops? appeared first on Cawlfield Law Blog.

Curated by Texas Bar Today. Follow us on Twitter @texasbartoday.

from Texas Bar Today http://ift.tt/2ufoJIm
via Abogado Aly Website

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